Arma 3’s alien invasion expansion ‘Contact’ is out now – Launch trailer


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Arma III Contact
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Arma 3’s Contact expansion has just made, er, contact with digital shelves. Contact is all about humanity finding extraterrestrial intelligence right on Earth. It’s boys-meets-alien, only it’s wrapped up in a super-hardcore military simulator.

If you’re hoping this expansion is like Independence Day or Mars Attacks though then you may need to reconsider. Contact looks as if it’s just about the nerdiest (in a good way) take we’ve seen on alien invasions in games. The campaign is all about making contact with these strange new entities rather than defending Earth from a gigantic alien invasion. It actually looks a whole like Arrival, if you ever watched that.

The ‘First Contact’ single-player campaign is around six hours long, introducing new terrain, new factions, weapons, vehicles, outfits, equipment, and even a smattering of alien technology. All of this key is then usable in the wider Arma 3 sandbox.

Arma 3: Contact is out now on PC and requires the base game in order to play.

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