GRID’s launch trailer revs up on the, er, grid


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Rev your engines, ladies and gents, it’s almost launch day for GRID. Well, for some folks who get a head-start, that is. As is seemingly customary these days, forking out for the GRID Ultimate Edition will let you play three days early on October 8th, while all us peasants will have to make do with a standard launch on October 11th.

But whichever version of GRID you’re thinking about picking up, you’re probably wondering just how much has changed since 2014’s Grid Autosport. Step forward GRID’s official launch trailer, featuring just about four-wheeled wonder you can think of tearing it around Barcelona’s tight city streets or zipping through the iconic turns of Silverstone.

Fingers crossed we’ll have a review copy sorted soon so we can get some hands-on time with it, along with benchmarking and all those other goodies. Codemasters track record is very good though, in terms of both the quality of its games and their performance, so we don’t expect GRID to go upsetting the apple cart in any major way.

GRID comes to PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 11th. In the meantime, be sure to check out GRID’s PC system requirements to ensure it can run on your system. Codies’ latest could be quite a demanding beast if you want to max out the visuals.

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