War and Strife confirmed as playable characters in Darksiders Genesis – New trailer


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Darksiders Genesis

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If you enjoy Darksiders or Diablo, or even better, both, then the upcoming Darksiders Genesis looks as if it’s the backscratcher that can scratch two itches at once. Brought to use by Airship Syndicate, who’ve already knocked it out of the park with Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Darksiders Genesis is a hack ‘n’ slash dungeon romp set before the events of the original Darksiders.

Franchise fans will no doubt already be aware of Genesis, but they may not know that War, the Rider of the Red Horse, will be a playable character. He’s the centrepiece of Darksiders Genesis’ new trailer, a giant-sword wielding maniac who can cut through demons like a scaly hot knife through butter.

War is “the youngest of the Four Horseman, but his age is no indication of his experience on the battleground,” says publisher THQ Noridc. “He has battled countless enemies with his furious weapon Chaoseater and the protection of his impervious armor. Always by his side is Ruin, War’s phantom steed. Ruin is both mighty and graceful with its blackened coat and fiery hooves and mane. War was wrongly framed by Abaddon for starting the Apocalypse too soon and was imprisoned for over one hundred years by The Charred Council. Well, at least he has beautiful long and white hair. Without split ends.”

War will be joined by his brother Strife, who together can take on Darksiders Genesis’ delve into hell side-by-side in full co-op.

Darksiders Genesis is still tentatively scheduled for a 2019 release on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Google Stadia. The system requirements for DS: Genesis are already out in the wild though, so scoot on over to the game page if you want to get an idea how it should run on your system.

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