Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC graphics settings revealed and preliminary benchmarks


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CPU List That Meet System Requirements

GPU List That Meet System Requirements


Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order

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It’s not often we get a great Star Wars game. The midichlorians have not been strong in this franchise since EA got its mitts on it. Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order appears to buck the trend though, scooping up some very positive reviews which suggest this is the best Star Wars game in at least the past decade.

We’re in the process of conducing PC perfomance benchmark tests for SWJ: Fallen Order to see just how it runs on PC, but in the meantime here are all of the PC-specific graphics settings you’ll be able to tweak in order to achieve your desired performance.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order PC Graphics Settings

Window Mode Resolution Max FPS VSync Dynamic Resolution Scaling Graphics Quality View Distance Shadow Quality Anti-Aliasing Texture Quality Visual Effects Post Processing 

Very limited, is how we’d kindly described Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order’s PC graphics settings. There’s really not a huge deal to mess around with here, it’s very much back to basics. When you can count the number of graphics settings on your hands we do begin to get a little worried, particularly when we’re talking about a potentially demanding AAA title. 

However, despite the disappointment here, the good news is, from our initial impressions, Fallen Order doesn’t run too badly at all. Felix has been busy putting some time in with a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, 16GB RAM, and a Core i7-5820K CPU at stock clocks, and generally finds the frame rate sticks to between 55 and 70 frames per second on 1440p /Ultra, averaging about 62 FPS overall. That’s quite promising, and an indicator we’re not dealing with some performance hog like Red Dead Redemption 2.

We’ll delve into it further very shortly though, including our benchmarks of the Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Orders graphics options performance cost.

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